Anniversary Surprise

When people think of wedding anniversaries, they think of flowers and gifts, dinner and a movie, or maybe even a getaway. Last year for our wedding anniversary my husband surprised me with chicks.

Well, he told me I could go and pick out chicks from our local Tractor Supply as my gift. So, I picked out 8 Barred Rock and 8 Australorp. They were two dual purpose breeds that I knew would do well for first time chicken owners. My husband and I built their coop from an old overhand attached to the shop. We assume it had been used at some point for a dog kennel, but it was easily converted to a large coop.

A few months later I ordered our second batch from Cackle hatchery, along with a few from a local breeder. We wanted roos so that we could produce chicks later on and the local breeder had my all-time favorite breed; the Ayam Cemani.

While most of our girls are starting to lay, I am still anxiously waiting for our Ameraucana hens to start giving us blue eggs. (They are either late to the show or they are really good at hiding their eggs). We have even ordered our next batch of chicks so that we can have chocolate brown eggs to offer.

Our wedding anniversary started our journey into the world of chickens, chicken math has go a firm grip on me, and I couldn’t be happier. Except, maybe, with more chickens.


Our Goth Flock